21 July, 2010

Lye from Wood Ash, Day 1 & 2

C and I started our lye from wood ash experiment yesterday (20 July 2010). The here's a photo of the initial mixing...

After finishing a few tasks that needed to be done, we made a 2 1/2 lb. batch of soap with commercially made sodium hydroxide. We took a hydrometer reading of the water/sodium hydroxide mixture (after it cooled to 125 degrees F) & found that the lye water gave us a difficult reading (as in, no reading)

The lye water did not register its buoyancy on the hydrometer. The photo was taken just so we could get an idea of where the hydrometer reading should be when we measure the gravity of our homemade lye water. Here's what the hydrometer looked like when I measured the ash lye water this morning (24 hours after initial maceration of lye+water)--this home dripped lye water looks like we need to allow it to macerate another 12-24 hours before its ready to make soap. Just as well...I have to work at my 'day job' today. This will keep me distracted so I'm not taking a hydrometer reading every hour (like I would if I were working at home). More updates tomorrow ...

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