28 July, 2010

Our Contribution to the July/August issue of Spirituality & Health Magazine

In April of this year, I was selling my MeMe wares at the Vancouver Farmer's Market (April was actually a fairly decent month weather-wise, May & June, not so much). As I tidied up my booth (as I usually do when I'm bored), a man approached, looked at my products and shyly asked, "Do you make all of these?" as he gestured towards my tables and shelves that were well stocked with products. I replied, "I do. I make everything but the labels & packaging, all by hand, all from scratch, using my own recipes, formulas & essential oil scent blends."* This started our conversation. He introduced himself (Jason Albee), he and his wife work together as freelance writers and were recently given an assignment to write an article for Spirituality & Health Magazine. I had flipped through a few issues of said mag at a clients house a month or so before meeting Jason, so I was glad I had some frame of reference for this publication. Long story short, Jason asked if I'd be interested in collaborating with him on an article that appears in the July/August issue titled, "Harvesting Your garden of Skin Care Products". I was given a list of fruits and vegetables that are commonly grown by home gardeners (tomatoes, strawberries, cucumbers, okra, potatoes, green beans) and asked to formulate face/body/hair care recipes so home gardeners could use some of their harvest for skin care. I only have experience working with tomatoes, cukes & strawberries in skincare formulas, so those are the fruits/veg I decided to focus on. I have attached scanned copies of the magazine article for your enjoyment--I was not able to find access to the article on the Spirituality & Health Magazine website (otherwise, I would have just posted a link).

I was so flattered and honored to help author this article. Seeing my name, my business name & website in print, in a nationally circulated magazine, in a way that somehow lends some level of legitimacy to my skills as a formulator, herbalist, aromatherapist (other than the compliments & repeat customers I have) ... I cannot even describe how that feels. Tears welled up in my eyes as I dreamily, slowly walked through the bookstore, reading the article. Goosebumps riddled my arms as I handed the magazine to my husband. Perhaps I'm being a tad dramatic here, but honestly, these were the reactions I had. I suppose that's what being proud of yourself feels like.

* my usual introduction

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